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Lets start indoor plantation to reduce allergies and in-house pollution

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

Indoor Plantation: Helps you reduce allergic reactions

In offices, homes, and other indoor areas, poor air quality can both cause health problems and make existing health problems worse. Indoor air pollution results from the release of chemical vapors and the suspension in the air of particulates such as dust and microorganisms. In response to increasing energy costs and the need to conserve energy resources, buildings and homes have been designed to be more energy efficient.

Thus, many offices and new homes have tighter construction, sealing the building from the outside air. This makes it easier for indoor air pollutants to accumulate to dangerous levels. With people spending up to 70–90 percent of their time indoors, long-term exposure to indoor air pollution can cause various health problems.

Air pollution can build up in any confined space, but gasses from synthetic materials used these days to construct or furnish offices and homes can, among other factors, result in “sick building syndrome.” While some people exposed to sick building syndrome will be unaffected, others who are hypersensitive to the pollutants can develop serious symptoms including eye, nose, and throat irritations, allergies, asthma, blurred vision, dizziness, fatigue, headache, skin irritation, nervous system disorders, and upper respiratory and sinus congestion

Sources of emissions of air pollutants

The major sources of indoor air pollutants are combustion byproducts, building materials, household products and chemicals, and bioeffluents. Combustion byproducts include carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulfur dioxides, formaldehyde, and tobacco smoke. Combustion byproducts are produced by gas ranges, cook tops, water heaters, clothes dryers, smokers, and internal combustion engines turned on in enclosed spaces.

Sources of emissions of air pollutants The major sources of indoor air pollutants are combustion byproducts, building materials, household products and chemicals, and bioeffluents. Combustion byproducts include carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulfur dioxides, formaldehyde, and tobacco smoke. Combustion byproducts are produced by gas ranges, cook tops, water heaters, clothes dryers, smokers, and internal combustion engines turned on in enclosed spaces.

Looking for indoor plantation to reduce allergies?

Well, Here are best Indoor Plants that helps you purify indoor air and helps to reduce allergic reactions:

1. Bamboo palm/ Areca palm: Benefits: Cleans air borne toxins, Removes formaldehydes, benzene, trichloroethylene

2. Spider Plant

3. Snake Plant/ Mother in law's tongue

4. Aloe Vera

5. Croton

Use above indoor plantation to reduce allergies along with clean and safe home air.
